“Wisdom along with an inheritance is good. And an [excellent] advantage for those who see the sun. For wisdom is a protection even as money is a protection, But the [excellent] advantage of knowledge is that wisdom shields and preserves the lives of its possessors” Ecclesiastes7:11-12 (AMP). Divine Wisdom is the capital for life’s transactions. It is the number one thing that everyone should long for and walk in. Wisdom comes with riches and honor, including long life. If you have Wisdom, you have everything. King Solomon admonishes us by saying; Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). He explains that it is better to get Wisdom than to get gold, and better to get understanding rather than silver (Proverbs 16:16).
True Wisdom is divine and of the Spirit; it is also the manifestation or revelation of the rightness of God in your spirit which causes you to function supernaturally beyond your human reasoning. You are led by the Spirit through the knowledge of the Word of God, to think the right thoughts and make accurate decisions. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” Philippians 2:13 (KJV). Because God is at work in you, divine insight is granted to you to walk in His perfect will for your life. God’s plan and direction for your life are already programmed inside you, and because He programmed you by His Word, it will take your knowledge of the Word of God to activate and walk in His plan and purpose for your life. You are responsible for discovering God’s plan for your life and enjoying the abundant life. As God reveals His secrets to you, you will begin to experience victory in every area of your life, including you health, finances, business, education, family, and ministry. In this masterpiece, you will learn who Wisdom is and how to activate the wisdom in you, for a purposeful life.
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