The Principle of First Fruit: “A More Excellent Sacrifice”
Written by Apostle Dr. Doreen Ameku Nelson
The Bible teaches that “By faith, Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he was testified to be righteous, God bearing witness to his gifts; and through it, having died, he still speaks” (Hebrews 11:4 KJV). Proverbs 25:2 says “It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them” (NLT). The born-again believer has been made rich in Christ Jesus, by the reason of the new birth. To experience the practical reality of the blessed life, there are principles God has put in place. As you act out these principles, God is obligated to make manifest His blessing in your life for all to see. God intended man to live a life of true fruitfulness, multiplication and being in charge of His creation. However, His divine desire depends on our promptness and consistency in following His instructions, one of which is the first fruit sacrifice. The first fruit is hallowed, set apart from ordinary purposes and consecrated to the Lord for His work; you may not keep it for yourself. God specifically lays claim on it. The first fruit is not the same as the tithe. The first fruit simply refers to the initial or the first harvest of one’s labor or services rendered. It does not necessarily refer to agricultural produce, but whatever benefits that come to us as a result of our labor or service rendered. For example, your first income from your employment or your first profit from your business or investments.
The first fruit of one’s harvest is a more excellent sacrifice that multiplies the rest, bringing one into God’s superabundance. King Solomon, the richest man who ever lived before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ understood this secret and admonished us in Proverbs 3:9, 10 saying, “Honor the LORD with your wealth, And with the first fruits of all your crops (income); Then your barns will be abundantly filled And your vats will overflow with new wine” (AMP). First fruit sacrifice honors God and automatically attracts a greater dimension of honor from God to us. By giving your first fruit sacrifice, connecting it to the anointing, you consecrate your family, career, ministry, business, and education unto God for a multiplied harvest. May the Lord enlighten your eyes of understanding to the revelation in this aspect of the blessed life. Now prepare your way before the Lord and you shall be mightily distinguished (2 Chronicles 27:6). You have been made great; follow the principle and live the blessed life, consistently glorifying God!
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Print Length | 139 pages |
Language | English |
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